Workplace Culture

Team Assessments

Survey. Assess. Plan.

Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically-based courage-building program.

Designed to be facilitated by highly vetted, certified organizational development professionals, the program allows for the creation of safe, trusting spaces for teams to engage in difficult conversations, examine biases, and embrace diverse perspectives is critical work for leading through uncertainty and change.

Data-driven decisions allow for personalization of a leadership development plan that meets the needs of your team and are available in three ways: Daring Vs Armored Leadership Assessments, Organizational Culture Assessments and Daring Leadership Assessments.

Team Workshops

Build. Create. Lead.

Build consensus, collaboration and cooperation with Team Development Workshops.  Create a custom hybrid experience based on needs, desired outcomes and assessment data, or choose from a variety of existing better³ workshops with clearly stated purposes and measurable, defined outcomes:

  • Clear Communication and Handling Conflict
  • Building Trust in Teams
  • Providing Procedural Feedback
  • Leading from a Coaching Stance
  • Daring vs Armored Leadership
  • How Shame Shows up in Organizations and Its Impact
  • Finding Balance in Overwhelm
  • Creating Connection in Remote Teams
  • Tools for Interactive Virtual Facilitation

Team Roundtables

Engage. Develop. Integrate.

Leading Through Uncertainty and Change: Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program. Now more than ever, we need to show up without armor, full of empathy and with a tools that give you super powers.

Through this engagement, teams develop skills for leading during a pandemic as well as through a critical time of examining organization and team systemic biases.

  • 8 Month Deep Dive
  • 1:1 Integration Coaching
  • 36 Hour Program
  • Newly Created Curriculum With a Diversity & Inclusion Lens
  • Full Integration Plan
  • Post-Program Circle Back Session

Build courage, curiosity and collaboration in your team culture.

Increase creativity, innovation, effective communication and engagement with a culture of psychological safety.

High-performing teams need great culture.

Let’s work together to develop your team for optimal engagement, performance and innovation. With the right tools and strategy, your team can exceed expectations, be more connected and inclusive and communicate effectively – all necessary skills for high levels of success.

Let’s connect to talk about building a high-performing team.